How To Talk To Girls

By Matthew Farrell

Scientists have always strived to find the origin of the Universe. Not many guys care about that. Though, most of them do want to know one thing that has been lying unanswered since ages. This mind-boggling situation has remained the most critical aspect in everyone's life, and we definitely have the answer backed with an amazing technique known to the rest of the World as 'persuasive talking'. After all, it is not what you say to a girl, but how you say it matters in the end. Life is full of surprises, and we should be prepared to surprise a girl every now and then. Even the best of the lines about 'how to talk to girls' cannot get you talking with them if those are not blended well with your tone and body language.

So what is exactly this thing 'persuasive talking'? Well, it is more like an art that is designed to influence or convince the listener into doing what the speaker wants. And, it's well said that artists don't do injustice to their job. You should show the inherent stubbornness that you possess. Do not let the girl think she is right. Girls do like occasional healthy arguments and that indeed carries the conversation forward. This is the first basic criteria to succeed in the art of how to talk to girls. The other most important aspect is to maintain that eye contact for as long as you can. It is a symbol of confidence. It defines your personality; who you are, what you are capable of. Remember, if she stays onto you with her eyes, move forward and strike a subtle conversation. This is definitely going to do wonders for you. You have to simply apply the fundamentals of strategic compromise. Do not give up on your main point, but do give her that little leverage to make her feel comfortable and accepted. Once you have mastered this aspect of how to talk to girls, then nobody can stop you from reaching the level of perfection.

It could be easy to impress her with your humor and charm. This will help you in befriending her. However, there are other things you need to do if you want her to like you more than a friend. Once she has warmed up to you, let her know you consider her more than a casual friend. Make it known to her your intentions of dating her. For this, you need to know how to sexually compliment her without making it seem you are harassing her.Compliments must be well blended with seriousness. While it is a must to have some flirty talk with her, remember to just keep things cool.Plenty of guys struggle to talk to girls, but there's no reason why it should be difficult. It may seem like some men are naturals at impressing women, but even if you don't fancy yourself as a conversationalist, you can learn how to successfully talk to women.The scariest part of talking to women is starting off that first conversation. This is where guys fail- not because they can't carry a conversation, but because they're too nervous to start one. Men try to think of something witty to say, and end up scaring themselves out of the idea of starting a conversation at all.You don't need to open with a great pick-up line. All you need to do is to say something, and make the conversation flow from there. If you can't think of anything, just ask her how her day has been.

Obviously, another important thing is to understand the best way to make the beginning interesting. But how will you be interesting to a stranger? The most successful guys have mastered the art of using go-to jokes and stories. So if you want to catch the attention of a girl then you need to learn how to become a good pick up actor. This does not necessarily mean that you memorize your pick up lines. The secret is to understand the structure and prototype of what the successful pick up actors say.

If you anticipate an awkward silence, don't announce it and draw attention to the fact it's awkward. Instead, stop the silence before it gets out of hand by changing the topic. Something around you is bound to provide stimulus for the next topic. If she's wearing eye-catching jewelry, that's perfect material for your next object of discussion. Ask her about the story behind it. She'll be pleased that you noticed and with any luck, she will have an interesting story to tell.Some people just aren't the best conversationalists. However, this is a skill you can learn and will get better at with practice.A conversation will suffocate if you cannot listen as well as speak. If she feels like the conversation is only going one way and she can't get a word in, she'll get bored. Plenty of guys resort to verbal diarrhea when they get nervous and don't even realize it. Sometimes they are so anxious about thinking of what they should say next, that they fail to listen attentively. Try to listen to yourself objectively as you talk, to check that you're not being too overbearing.

Sorry there is not time or space enough to go into detail here.Don't worry I am not trying to blind you by giving you just one or two good points, on these articles. This article is really meant to help you get up and running as a PUA.There is nothing worse or frustrating than when you are confronted with a situation where you see a woman that you would really like to talk to, but you feel completely paralyzed. You don't know what to say, you don't know what to do, you are frightened she will reject you, or maybe you actually say something and then become tongue tied and are at a loss as to how to take things further.

Well when you know the 3 second rule you will know the fundamental basis of your aim for becoming a real honest to goodness Pick Up Artist.I feel bound to sharing something special with you here, when you digest what I am about to say, I am positive it is going to help you with your dilemma. By dilemma I mean if you are suffering with problems of rejection. If you are I must say here and now, do not take them seriously, I will explain below.

Girls reject advances from men for many different reasons and I categorically state that picking up women can be so, so easy, but I am beginning to waffle and I hate doing that, so, to get to the point, if you are interested in a woman that you regard as really beautiful, there is every chance that other men will think so to, meaning that advances from men must come fast and furious to her.So if she rejects your advance, it may not really be because she doesn't like you or the look of you. You must accept the rejection and move on!Sometimes the excuse is "I have a boyfriend!" Well come on, it could be true and her rejection of you is a legitimate one. Taking it personal is being a wimp, be a man, accept it and again I say to you pick yourself up and move on. Remember I am talking about turning you into a truly great PUA and teaching you how to pick up women, or should I say how to pick up girls, depending on your age.

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