Why Deferred Action Is Beneficial Economically

By Allyson Burke

The deferred action policy was launched by President Obama in June 2012. It is meant to halt undocumented youth from being deported, instead giving them a chance to work in the country. It will allow young people who arrived into the United States before they turned 16 to be eligible for work authorization while their deportation is lifted. The policy is definitely a noteworthy humanitarian effort in that it improves the lives of immigrants but it also has some economic advantages. This articles looks at these economic benefits in detail.

This policy is capable of promoting economic growth for all Americans. Immigrant workers may seem to be competing with their native-born counterparts, but in the real sense they are actually complementing them. This leads to a raise in productivity overall. From 1990 to 2006, it has been observed that the metropolitan areas with the largest number of immigrant workers had the fastest economic growth. The policy would make sure immigrants can further their education and enhance their skills and legal status. It would also maximize their contributions to the nations economic growth.

Another benefit is that the deferred action policy will increase wages for native workers. Areas with higher immigration levels offer higher wages to native-born employees. A reason for this is that when work authorization is given to undocumented immigrants, the wage floor for all workers is raised. Employers are prevented from deleveraging wages of native workers with undocumented wages that are exploitable.

Immigrant labor forces positive effect accumulates over time. This means that the benefits that come with allowing immigrants to enhance their education and work legally will continuously be felt for a long time. Since America is finding itself in the midst of a still recovering economy, this can be particularly important.

By increasing the demand for basic goods and services, more job opportunities are made. This is an effective way of forming more jobs, considering that more average consumers are having money with them.

The policy will definitely raise more federal revenues. Roughly half of immigrant workers who do not have authorization contribute payroll taxes that they are not eligible to get benefits from. Billions of dollars has already been contributed to the Social Security Trust Fund program by undocumented immigrants, from which they will never get a penny. These contributions can be increased by giving work authorization to more dreamers at the start of their careers.

If the differed action beneficiaries can be making regular contributions to the fund programs, then eventually they can be eligible for its benefits. By them being eligible, they will then make more contributions, increasing the revenue. Immigrant workers are usually younger when compared to their indigenous counterparts, meaning that once the natives retire, immigrants will raise the trust fund.

Contrary to a popular belief, the immigrant workforce is a not a substitute to the native-born workers. There is a difference between employed immigrants and jobless native workers in terms of work-experience, geography and occupation. This means that the deferred action policy will complement the native born workforce.

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