How To Gold Leaf Like A Pro

By Stan Alderson

If you're looking for a project that will allow you to be creative, it's often a good idea to start with something in your home. For example, you can give an old picture frame new life in a variety of ways. One of these is to give it a golden finish, adding some luxury and antique character. It's easier than it might seem and in no time you too may know how to gold leaf like a pro.

The art of applying gold leaf is also known as gilding. It involves covering a surface with very thin sheets of the precious metal. Traditionally real gold was used, sometimes in a quality of up to 22 karats. However, this is quite expensive and today many people use an artificial product that consists mainly of copper and zinc. It's called Dutch gold leaf or schlagmetal. Other metals such as silver can be used instead, for different color varieties.

When you're preparing to begin gilding, first get together all the tools you might need. These include sandpaper, painter's tape, cheesecloth, soft paintbrushes and cotton balls. You'll also need a bit of petroleum jelly as well as sealer, base coat, gilder's adhesive, top coat and, if you prefer, glaze. Have a smooth, flat surface such as a tile or a mirror as your work surface.

The object that needs gilding should have a very smooth surface. This means that you first need to sand it if necessary. Clean it thoroughly and then use the painter's tape to cover the bits that you don't want gilded. If the object has a porous surface, give it a layer of sealer.

Next, apply the base coat. When it's dry, apply the sizer. This is the special adhesive to which the gold leaf will stick.

Now it's time to start applying the foil. Cut it into smaller, more manageable pieces. Then remove it from its backing and place each piece on the tile or other flat surface. It will be easier to pick up the pieces if you use a cotton ball dabbed in petroleum jelly because the foil will lightly stick to this. When you apply the pieces, let them overlap so that there won't be any gaps showing through.

Use a brush and the cheesecloth to smoothen the metal over the surface. Work carefully, since the foil can crease or tear very easily. Check that the seams where pieces are overlapping don't show. Once you're done, apply a top coat to seal everything in and finish it off with a layer of glaze if you prefer. Let it dry, remove the painter's tape and you'll have a shimmering golden object.

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