Ways To Assist The Disaster Relief Ministry

By Enid Hinton

Every time we turn on our televisions or listen to the radio we hear of disasters occurring in different parts of the world. This disasters range from natural phenomena such as earthquakes, hurricanes to man-made accidents such as oil spills and nuclear plant leaks. The Disaster relief ministry is an initiative that aims to get people to be more proactively involved in mitigating the effects of these disasters.

Prayer is a very powerful tool that is at your disposal. Human beings since the beginning of time have placed their faith in powers bigger than them. They have also placed their problems and fears. Prayer is not only so that God can help the families affected overcome the trouble in their lives. It can also make you feel better about yourself. In your own way, you are showing concern and solidarity with the victims of these disasters.

The image of the shattered dreams and lost hope is sometimes too painful to bear. The tears of families as they are reunited with one another and the appeals for food are most touching. This people do not deserve the predicament that has befallen them instead our sympathy and support. They need our help in this trying moments.

A number of organizations have come up to deal with the needs of these victims. Their main purpose is to help the people affected recover and pick up their lives. They understand those are tough a time for families and support is what they need most. These organizations are philanthropic in nature.

Their points and arguments are very convincing and will leave their audience sympathetic and reaching for their wallets. At this point be careful. A good number are only seeking to enrich themselves at your expense. Others may be scams looking to defraud you of your money.

The disaster victims need items such as food and clothes. You can donate these items to them. This can come from the excess you have or purchase them. Once you have done this make sure you contact the relief organizations and task them to distribute them to the victims.

Once the organizations have been mobilized they are a number of key decisions they have to make. Before this is done they have to first get the facts on the ground. If it is a warzone they have to ascertain whether it is secure enough for their volunteers to operate.

Ensure the notes you send are in an easily understood language that anyone can understand. You can send the notes through the church missions, the relief organizations, schools and newspapers. The message on the note should also be clear and straight to the point. Avoid talking in generalities.

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