How To Make A Girl Like You

By Victoria Bergman

If you have your eyes set on a popular girl, then you will have to work hard to impress her. Since she is popular, she has the benefit of being the "prize." And since she is coveted you have to work harder to get her attention. But it is not an impossible task to get a popular girl to like you. All you need is a strategy that will work. Here are a few great ways of making a popular girl like you.

Chemistry makes it a priority to find out what makes a girl like you. Approaching the girl that makes your heart skip a beat with the funny pick up lines you just garnished from your best mate is a huge gamble and, probably, will die a miserable death right before your eyes. A female can never be approached or dealt with like a headache. By this I mean, with a headache, any common pain killer will suffice.

However, every individual female has a genetically distinct make up and will respond, just as equally, in an individual way. Having said that, there is one thing that calls out to every woman like a wolf howling at the moon, that one thing is mystery. Your objective is to be the mysterious stranger in her life. Being the mysterious stranger is just the initial phase of making the girl you desire generate a genuine curiosity about who you are and without really knowing why in particular she is developing a desire to get to know more about you and why you are so mysterious.

The second thing you need to master is your body language. It is important to remember that communication is estimated to be only be 7 percent verbal. The rest is body language, facial expressions and voice tone. It is important that you learn to carry yourself in a confident manner. Stand straight with your shoulders back and your chest out. Be slightly more pronounced with your movements and make hand gestures when you talk. Fill up space with your body. Don't shrivel up. Use confident eye contact. Body language is key. Do all you can to master it.

You will also have to look like a good that is worth chasing if you want to attract a girl that you like. So look the part and dress to kill.You might not be the most popular guy around but being a complete recluse is not going to help. Look like a fun guy who has friends and you will have a popular girl inching towards you.They say that men have only one thing on their minds - and in your case it's absolutely true.Whether you can't stop thinking about that wonderful woman at work or your eyes keep being drawn to the gorgeous girl across the room, your crush has become all-consuming. She is all that you can think about. And now you want to know: are you all that she can think about, too?

When it comes to seducing women, what most men do not know is they tend to focus on the wrong things to do - which is the reason why they get rejected by women. You see, in order to make women like you, you must first find out the things that REALLY work before doing them.Those who are good with women realize that there are a set of psychology tactics which they can use to literally 'force' a girl to like them. Weird, but true. Read on to discover two 'dirty' psychology tactics, and how they can be used to achieved phenomenal results, almost instantly.

So how can you tell if she likes you? Let's start with the basics. These are the signals that every girl gives out, regardless of whether you work together or you've caught her eye across a crowded club. Is she looking at you and smiling? There's no better sign. Confident girls may maintain eye contact, but most will glance quickly away the moment you notice them watching you. Check to see if she keeps looking back your way - if she can't keep her eyes off you, you know that she's interested.

Covert Tactic 2 - "Fractionation". This is a neuro linguistic programming (also known as NLP) tactic which has been used extensively to hypnotize people. Through a simple (but systematic) usage of anchors and emotional elicitations, men who use this technique have been known to be able to make females sleep with them in less than 15 minutes. Very powerful stuff, and highly controversial - some has called for it to be 'banned' because of its nature.

'Fractionation' is known as one of the most effective ways to make a girl emotionally 'dependent' on a man, and therefore could result in undesirable results if used wrongly. For example, it has been known to create stalkers and psychopaths out of otherwise emotionally stable women. Use at your own risk.

One of the best ways to get any girl you want to like you is to have a sense of style. Girls notice guys with style. You don't have to be a model to have style you just need to dress nicely and have good hygiene. Always walk with your head up. Never slouch, sulk, or look down at your feet. Walk around as if you're a man on a mission, and women will take notice.Want to know what to increase your chances with a girl? Be nice to her friends. If you treat her friends with respect, they will put in a good word for you. You can even befriend them and hang out with them if you want to get closer to her.Have good manners if you want to make a girl like you. Show her that chivalry isn't dead, and she will really appreciate your politeness. You can do this by opening doors for her, offering to carry her shopping bags, and just being nice in general. This is one of the best things you can do when trying get the girl you want.Follow these tips to make women like you, and you will attract any girl you want!

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