The Best Ways To Rapidly Achieve Very Enjoyable Sexual Relationships

By Abby Kellogg

A quick session of lovemaking due to the man's inability to control his arousal is very disappointing to a woman. No wonder that one of the most common searches on the web is for tricks to stop a rapid climax! A premature climax to a couple's lovemaking can deprive the woman of the pleasure which is her reward from giving herself to her partner. She might feel that her spouse either does not take her needs into account or that he is insensitive. And a man who reaches climax too soon may feel like a failure.

None of this is constructive for the couple's relationship, especially when the problem is never honestly discussed. Regrettably, the anger produced by sexual problems like this is hugely stressful, and the two partners often carry on with this important subject unresolved. So the question is, what can you do? The reassuring thing is - you have the power to resolve this!

First of all, you should speak about it openly: this means you reveal how you feel. Unfortunately, in actual fact our work shows as few as 10% of couples talk to each other about intimate problems. So, to help you drop your defenses about sex, try these tricks to help you:

1) Reveal your emotions - don't use the defense of blaming your lover. Having the ability to listen without judging means you probably will engender far less anger - and your partner is going to be much more able to hear what you say without putting you down.

2) Don't think of your partner as being at fault - being able to accept that you are in this together is essential to healing mutual anger and mistrust. Only when you see that your partner's emotions are a genuine reaction to the issues you face, and that they are entitled to think, feel and act as they do, will you begin to respect each other as you really are.

3) Don't engage in self-blame. Action is more useful. This may require getting the support of a counselor. Or it may mean strategies as simple as taking space each day to speak to your wife or husband about your worries.

4) If you have difficulty discussing intimate matters consider the things you need to raise beforehand. Being prepared is crucial in getting the respect of your partner. It's also useful to know what is unacceptable to you in any debate about sex. That way you will be very much more likely to achieve your goals.

5) Be clear about what you want. It's often difficult to have full awareness of what's causing the things we feel, and it's likely you may only fully realize the real issue as you discuss the issue. And, if you are clear what you would like to change, you are much more likely to get it. The more openly you show yourself, the more truly you speak about what you want, the more connected you will feel in your relationship.

Step 2 - work as a couple on a proven self-help solution for curing male sexual dysfunction. There are a lot to choose from on the web and a rapid search will be enough to find something that is right for you. The important characteristics you ought to seek out are: proven testimonials, a money-back guarantee, and an author who is willing to engage with you by email. I have proven in over 12 years' work men with sexual problems that self-help treatment programs are just as effective as office-based counseling for most men, if they are highly eager to up their sexual game.

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