The Protective Group: Could Wrestling Backgrounds Help?

By Rob Sutter

The Protective Group may be ones which exudes physicality alone but this isn't entirely true. Yes, you have to be fit in order to become part of said group but to say that it's the only element to consider would be nothing short of a lie. There are others which can make some of the best workers imaginable. For example, wrestlers may be some of the ideal candidates from a strength-related standpoint but that isn't the only quality that they should possess, as there are others to come into play.

I think that The Protective Group has proven itself on a physical level but what about others. There should be other ones which play into the work is done, which is the case for authorities such as T.P.G. It seems like there are always going to be varied social events and gathering, each one possessing different types of people attending them. No matter what the case may be, I think it's apparent that awareness should be present at all times, making sure that order is kept.

I think that this subject is not one which can be easily drawn to wrestling but keep in mind just how varied these particular athletes can be. Not only do they have to be strong as far as in-ring work is concerned but intelligence can go a long way, too. CM Punk has become successful, not so much because of his quick offense but rather his ability to assess a situation in the ring and work around it. Such a pairing has made him a star, to say the least.

What about Triple H as well? Even though he may not be competing on the active roster full-time, it's apparent that his knowledge about the product has been quite extensive. He understands what is required of those who work in the ring and, as a result, the match quality heightens. Wouldn't this inclination to learn help others, too, especially when it comes to this level of security? I believe that it could work well in this group, considering that there are many aspects worth looking into.

Would you ever consider The Protective Group to work alongside wrestlers? For those who wouldn't have imagined such an idea, keep in mind that not every competitor is going to base his or her offense off of strength alone. Awareness is just one example, as it seems like keeping a close watch on one's surroundings is going to be most vital. However, staying professional through it all is going to help in its own right, which goes to show how extensive this work can become.

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