The Relevance Of Family Law In Family Matters

By Rosella Campbell

It is a law that deals with matters related to family and domestic issues such as civil unions, domestic partnership, marriage, adoption, surrogacy, juvenile adjudication, paternity fraud, paternity testing and issues to do with termination of relationship and consequent ancillary matters such as annulment, alimony, property settlement, child custody, child support, divorce and alimony awards. Also these areas are part of family law.

However what is part of this law in one jurisdiction may not be the same in another. In the United States, family courts receive the most cases. In Dallas, one can get legal representation from wonderful team of lawywers found in the various law firms.

One of the main areas dealt with in this law is divorce. It focuses on the formalities that a couple has to go through in a court of law to get dissolution of their marriage. There are many ways envisaged in the law that a couple can get a divorce. An uncontested divorce is a latest development and applies where there are not much disputes between the separating partners on n what to get from the marriage relationship. A divorce riddled with conflicts, will force the couple to have full divorce litigation. These cases are heard and determined by a person qualified as a family judge.

Child protection is basically about government run services that are meant to ensure that the rights and privileges of a child are protected. These laws apply when the rights of children are violated by parents or by their guardians in foster homes. Child labor, denying a child access to education, military use of children and capital punishment is actionable under this law.

Matrimonial home, according to the law, is very special and more important than any other property belonging to the partners. It may include a cottage or even a ski chalet belonging to the couple. This home is considered to belong to the two partners regardless of whose name it is registered under. This makes eviction from the matrimonial home illegal.

Child custom is also contained in this property. Physical custody granted to a parent means that he or she has the right to stay with the child. Joint custody is where the two parents have equal access to the child. It normally applies in cases of proximity between the two so as to not disrupt the daily routine of the children. A non custodial parent is allowed to only visit the child in regular intervals.

Legal custody on the other hand pertains the right and responsibility to make decisions regarding the upbringing of the child. A parent awarded the legal custody of a child decides on the schooling, medical care, the upbringing and other life aspects of the child. In Dallas, Joint custody is regularly awarded to most parents meaning that decisions affecting the child are made jointly by both parents.

If legal custody agreement is not adhered to, for example a parent making decisions exclusively without consultation or approval of the other, one is liable to a fine or even a jail sentence. This also creates friction between the parents which is not healthy for the children. In case of neglect, alcohol and drug abuse and any other unfitness, one is denied legal custody to a child.

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