The Best Ozone Generators Improve The Air

By Harriet Porter

In spite of widespread claims to the contrary, people intent on losing weight discover that all dietary fat is not dangerous. A similar principle can be applied to atmospheric ozone. A layer encircling the globe at high altitudes shields present-day life from ultra-violet sun damage, but in the lower atmosphere, high concentrations are largely due to air pollution, and become an irritant. The best ozone generators bring the positive impact indoors.

Manufacturing a known pollutant for people to breathe seems unwise and counter-intuitive, but that is not always the case. The molecular makeup of this substance includes three oxygen atoms as opposed to the normal two. In some circumstances that third atom reattaches itself to a different molecule, and the resulting chemical reaction can destroy many harmful organic microorganisms.

These chemical changes are also said to eliminate tobacco smoke and other sources of stubborn odors. The fresh, clean scent of the air after an electrical storm is partly the result of this type of reaction taking place in nature. When that occurs, there is little danger from breathing the temporarily changed air, but intentionally taking in extra amounts subjects internal organs to potentially harmful chemical reactions.

They include the respiratory discomfort familiar to those who live in atmospherically polluted cities. Ozone can produce chronic coughing, shortness of breath, chest pains, or an irritated, scratchy throat. Some experience asthma attacks, while others suffer from a weakened immune system. Normally healthy individuals may report problems during periods of heavy exposure, and aerobic exercise may result in more distress than benefit.

Although the hazards are well documented, proponents feel that the health benefits outweigh any potential issues related to higher indoor levels. Due to the short-lived characteristics of these molecules, the most notably harmful effects disappear rapidly after they have destroyed germs and neutralized odors. The oxygen structure returns to a more typical state in a very short time.

The key to successfully maintaining the right levels of this gas is not necessarily an electronic meter, but rather the human sense of smell. If too much is being pumped into a room, there will be a residual ozone fragrance that is hard to miss. If the levels are within recommended measurements, the molecules will do their job, and then completely disappear, leaving a space with no obvious odor.

Advocates also claim that temporarily higher levels help when mold remediation is a recurring problem. This controversial use of ozone has had some spectacularly notable consequences when chemical reactions with other materials generated strong, unpleasant odors. In spite of those issues, the ability of this gas to kill unwanted organic material can prove useful in some resistant cases.

When it is important to have a space free of lingering odors or microorganisms, buying a home generation unit makes sense. It is important to carefully weigh the advantages against any potential harm caused to residents. When considering the available choices, be sure to examine warranties, power needs, and especially online peer reviews. Be very wary of advertising claims that cannot be substantiated by customers.

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