Geothermal HVAC Systems ; Lower The Heating System Repair Philadelphia Cost

By Lelia Hall

Philadelphia is found within a zone that experiences extreme weather changes. This makes having a heating system more of a necessity. The market is awash several heating technologies and models that you can choose from. However, most of the systems breaks down easily making heating system repair Philadelphia a regular cost center in your budget. A geothermal heating system stands out, as they require very little maintenance after installation.

Geothermal HVAC systems work by utilizing heat that is below the crust of the earth. It is a fact that the earth absorbs half of this heat energy from the sun. This heat enables the crust, just below the surface, to remain warm all through the year. It offers reliability than over the surface air whose temperature varies with the weather. These HVAC systems use underground piping system called a loop across the crust. Water moves through the pipe between the house, earth and a heat pump buried deep under.

In addition to less maintenance cost, these systems are eco-friendly and effectively make use of the available heat in the crust. This means that it would take less energy to keep the building warm. Since the heat is from a renewable source, no fossil fuels are burnt. This in turn lowers greenhouse gases emitted by these fuels. A replacement of a convectional heating systems to a geothermal one cleans the air, as an acre of trees would do.

Geothermal systems do not require regular sterilizing to keep bacteria out as most other systems do. This guarantees you of good quality indoor environment. The system has no compartments that need disinfection. It also saves you from carbon monoxide and risk of fire as produced by an open fire furnace.

The system generates hot water more cheaply than other systems. A simple connection is made between the hot water system and the HVAC system to enable the system heat the water. Heat that is removed from the building during hot season is stored in form of hot water under the surface. This water is available for use at any time.

One of the major disadvantages of convectional HVAC systems is the lots of noise that they produce. This causes noise pollution and lots of disturbance in the house. The geothermal systems on the other hand guarantee a quiet operation thus giving the peace that you so such require. This is because the heat pump is found below the ground.

The general lifespan of a conventional furnace is around eight years if well maintained. The general warranty of a geothermal system is fifteen years. The loop system underground has a warranty of fifty years and above. This is because the pipes are made of polypropylene with lasts long. Since the heat pump is buried, it is also not affected by weather, dust or easily accessible by malicious people.

Finally, geothermal heating systems offer you substantial savings in terms of utility bills. The substantial reduction of utility bills will eventually cover the cost of installation. Analysts project five years as the period you would take to recover the whole cost of installation through reduction in amount of bills.

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