The Price Of Ambition

By Evan Sanders

Ambition is priceless.

Ambition has been present in humanity for as long as we have been able to think more of ourselves and dream as big as we can. It has driven us, it has allowed us to create, and it has allowed us to destroy all at the same time. Ambition, when it isn't paired with character, can be incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands. We've seen this happen far too many times and now it's time for a new breed of everyday hero.

It's about time we had people in this world who had ambition and character as well.

What the world desperately needs are people who have a goal to change it for the better and to give instead of take. These people are not as interested in stripping the world of what it has to offer but instead more interested in adding to it.

We are also in need of daily heroes who are not willing to compromise on their character or step on other people to get to the top of the mountain. We need people who know deep inside that you climb the mountain to see the world more clearly, instead of having the world look at you.

We need people who are willing to take a stand for an idea that is greater that themselves and strive to maintain to that core value no matter how hard it is. While these people struggle to keep to their deeper sense of "code" they strive every single day to live up to their potential and inspire the hearts and minds of others around them.

We desperately need people who are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to improve our deteriorating world and leave a legacy instead of strip everything they possible can from it.

Too many times we have seen people take from this world instead of give to it. Too many times have we seen our world fall into the hands of those who want to conquer it instead of heal it. Isn't it about time for a new version of hero?

You might ask, "But where will these people come from? How many do we need?"

We only need a handful of people who are on the same page and willing to change the world. If these people rise to the challenge and step up for everyone else, they could do some seriously amazing things.

Maybe you will be one of them?

We need you.

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