What To Do To Avoid LGBT Workplace Discrimination

By Raymond Brooks

In the workplace, there exists some discrimination. This discrimination has now become manageable. In some areas, people are being segregated because they are different from the others in an office. Discrimination is mostly based on the gender and race. In the world today, the issues of sexual orientation have developed. The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community have been recognized, and members of this community have increased in number. The law requires that all people be treated equally regardless of their gender, race, and sexual orientation. Below are some of the procedures to follow to avoid LGBT workplace discrimination:

You should start by sensitizing your employees on the different sexual orientations that are found in the society. In some cases, people discriminate against this community because they fail to understand them. Ensure that every employee understands that this community exists. You can achieve this goal by having campaigns that educate your employees on the different types of sexual orientations.

Make policies that rule out any form of discriminative behaviors. Notify the employees about the policies formed and why it is important for them to adhere to the rules set by the company. Explain to them the reason for the policy and its relevance to the company. When you do this, employees will not show any form of discriminative behaviors .

Consequences should be stated regarding anyone who discriminates other employees due to their sexual orientation. Employees in the company will be smart enough to follow your rule against discrimination to avoid any form of punishment. For example, anyone who discriminates another will be suspended for one year or demoted depending on the intensity of the situation.

Legal protection of this community is an area that has been highly neglected. However, in a majority of the regions, the community is protected by law. In case there is some form of unjust treatment against this community it is advisable to report to the relevant authorities.

The segregation mostly occurs during recruitment of employees. To avoid this, you should make sure that the people who are conducting the recruitment process are open- minded. They should be in a position to accept this community. They should be willing to take this community as part of the entire society. It is advisable to conduct vetting during the recruitment process. This is to ensure that there is no segregation in that process.

Most people face unjust treatment when they are looking for employment. They might be fully qualified for the available job, but there are rejected due to their sexual orientation. It is hard for these people to look for decent jobs where people will appreciate them for who they are. Make sure that this does not take place at your workplace. Employees vetting process should be free and fair.

Equality is a very important aspect in any organization. But you may find that in most cases, this community is not accepted in some organizations. This has resulted in their poor performance in work. It is advisable that if you have employed people from this community, you ensure there are treated well like other workers. This article has outlined some of the ways to ensure that you create a good working atmosphere which favors everybody including people from this community.

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