Wisconsin Drunk Driving Laws Are Important

By Roger Fisher

Getting stopped by the police is not fun. He or she may give you a warning or a ticket. You may have a more serious situation on your hands such as driving under the influence. Look into what you can do to get some legal advice. Wisconsin drunk driving laws are not easy to follow, but you can with some help.

You were driving your car and went with friends to a party. While driving, your friends irresponsibly pulled out beer that they had just bought and started drinking it. To make things even more irresponsible, they offer you the beer which you take because you want their approval. You later regret doing this. You wish you had made a better choice.

Your mind is spinning as everything is happening so fast. The car starts spinning as well. Blue lights turn on behind you and you find a police officer at your side. He or she asks you to step out of the car. A breathing test is given to you to see how much alcohol is in your system. It is very high and you get arrested.

Once you recover, you are arrested and meet with a lawyer that the state assigned to you. He or she informs you of what the future looks like for you depending on the judge, of course. Every law always depends on the judge's final say. Listen to the lawyer and hope for the best which is all that you can do.

You may want to research the law for yourself in this state or any state. You can go to a law library of a university in your town or ask a librarian in the public library where you can go. It is okay to trust the lawyer, but it is still good to have your own backup information. It is just good sometimes to take matters into your own hands.

Journal some thoughts and feelings about the reason that you got yourself into this mess. It is not good to be too hard on yourself, but to look at why you needed the approval of your friends so much over breaking the law and endangering people's lives. Getting help will be a good idea so you do not repeat something like this again in the future.

It is widely known that twelve step groups have help thousands of people recover from addictions to alcohol or drugs. You could be one of them. Find out the days and times of these meetings and attend them. Get a sponsor and reach out to people to receive and give support. You may find your recovery will not take long at all.

Making amends to anyone that you hurt would be a good idea. You probably hurt someone along the way intentionally or unintentionally. Work on a list of wrongs and ask people for forgiveness. It may take time for them to forgive you, but planting the seeds will help them see your sincerity.

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