Reputable West Orange NJ Counselor Explains The Less Apparent Warning Sign Of Depression

By Gary Cooper

Millions of people the world over suffer from depression. Unfortunately, most of them go undiagnosed and untreated and this brings about great suffering in their lives. Depression is a crippling mental health condition and some of the common signs of the illness include insomnia and an intense feeling of sadness, hopelessness, loneliness and worthlessness. Then again, there are various other symptoms that the majorities of people do not know about. Knowing the signs to look out for would ensure that you are able to seek the expertise of a competent West Orange NJ counselor before things go from bad to worse.

Depression can bring about physical pain to a patient in some cases. The manifestation of this illness differs from one individual to another. In some instances, it could cause muscle contractions, migraines and headaches. Frequent nausea and vomiting among other digestive problems are also a warning sign of depression.

Additionally, patients could get very irritable. This is not necessarily sadness, but they will just develop a short fuse and will snap, even at minor issues. When this happens, it is unfortunate that a patient could be accused of being petty or unsociable. In case a perfectly happy loved one suddenly cannot even stand a joke, then it could be that something is terribly amiss.

Apart from mood swings, you could also tell that someone is suffering from depression if you notice sudden weight changes. Some patients will suffer from reduced appetite levels and will hence shed some pounds quickly. Then again, other patients will find comfort in foods and drinks and will hence drastically increase in weight.

Another danger sign to beware of is extreme habits. If a relative abruptly seems addicted to social media or gambling it could be that he or she is depressed. Usually, patients tend to avoid human interaction by isolating themselves. They strive to hide from not only friends and family, but also from their thoughts and feeling.

You should sense that something is amiss if a relative suddenly wants to remain isolated. Usually, this can be a sign of depression or of drug abuse. Either way, it is not normal for someone not to want human interaction. The need to see a counselor in this case should hence not be overlooked.

Daydreaming is good and healthy to a certain level. Extreme dreaminess however, would show a sign of other underlying problems. A depressed individual will find an escape from reality. He or she will therefore find it better to remain in a state of dreaminess all day, every day to avoid living in the moment.

If two of the symptoms above are displayed by your loved one, then there is a reason to get concerned. Fortunately, a dependable therapist can not only provide the much needed counseling, but can also accurately diagnose the condition to ensure that the right treatment is offered. For you to benefit from meaningful services, you need to do some sleuthing around and find a local therapist with a proven track record.

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