All About Jewish Commitment Services

By Debra Hayes

Being a Jew is not as easy as it looks but it is something that most are proud of whether they do a little of what is required of them or a lot. It is a way of life that is governed by different bodies of Jewish commitment services. For instance, there are rules of governing bodies required when it comes to foodstuffs consumed and even procedures that must be followed when burying the dead.

Basically, the defining law is that a kid may not be consumed in its mother's milk meaning that one is not allowed to consume milk and meat simultaneously. There are other laws that stem from this basic law and because of it, many wait up to six hours after meat has been consumed before milk products can be drunk or eaten. Having a hechsher or stamp of approval from a governing Jewish body called a Beth Din is a prerequisite for many.

It is best to consult with a Rabbi if one is unsure about anything as they are well versed in all areas of study of the Bible. This goes for wanting to know what foods may be eaten and even when they may be eaten. For example, one may not eat milk products straight after having consumed meat products as it is based upon law in the Bible.

From here the milk may be transported to factories where yoghurts and other dairy products are manufactured. Here too the production is supervised by qualified and learned men and women to ensure that no traces of any other materials can enter the production process. The product will then be labeled Chalav Yisroel and consumed by those Jews who will only eat these foods under this certification.

For instance some will only partake of dairy products if they are called what is known as Chalav Yisroel. This means practically speaking that the whole process of preparing milk products whether it be milk or yoghurts for that matter, are watched by designated Jews from start to finish. This is to ensure that the product is as kosher as can be and may be consumed by those who stick by this law.

This requires that the body be washed and then placed in clothe with is sewn closed. It is a big honour to do this, to ensure that the body is properly prepared for burial. It is something that is said will be rewarded in the afterlife as it is an honour to look after the body until it is laid to rest.

As mentioned there are even services that are called upon when needing to bury the dead. One can apply to do Taharah work at the cemetery which is a great service. This requires that the persons called upon to do this work must understand and know how to prepare the body for burial and how it must be washed.

In this period, men are not allowed to shave. Apart from this no enjoyment may be had such as listening to music. Even going to a movie is forbidden as one carries out practices that have endured the millennia.

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