Discover A Simple Way Of Self Realization Actualization

By Gloria Mason

There are a number of things that normally hinder people from self realization actualization. These are stuff folks have to know so as make realization a possibility. The things almost everyone does on daily basis are the same ones that act as impediments.

People usually identify with thoughts that come to their minds. This identity occasionally acts as the base for problems. Sometimes people develop strong identity to these ideas such that the ideas actually define them. Internalization of these ideas to such extremes make one focus on what the results will do to them. Questions start lingering on the mind whether the ideas will build you, hurt you, or make you look better before others and so on. The focus is centered on the individual and not the greater good. It builds grounds for fear, worries, ignorance and arrogance. It is this that actually causes people stress, and keeps them from becoming enlightened.

Even when folks are seeking to attain the self-realization, they tend to approach it with a view of soothing their egos. This happens time and again, even in the light that this is the root problem. A great number of times, folks actually end up associating or identifying it to spiritual beliefs. It does not really matter whether one ends up associating it with spirituality. As long as people get into this mindset they will always find themselves in conflict with everyone around them whether they view the whole process as a spiritual one or not.

One easy means of actualizing self realization is dropping the sense of special, separate existence. This sense closely resembles individualism and can be described as such. Dropping it enables you to see things past your ego. For these moments to happen, people have to clear their minds, reorganizes thoughts in their heads, and lastly look past the ideas they have. Doing so will help you be more aware of your surroundings, and also prevents you from looking at thing very narrowly.

The new way of thinking one gets after successful completion of the steps, lacks rigidity. The process also is not limited or restricted in anyway. Furthermore, one develops a better awareness and view of themselves. They also get a better comprehension of their surroundings. This allows one to get inner peace, which forms the first step in getting self realization.

What follows next is normally further cementing the newly received consciousness. Focus your attention and thoughts on making yourself aware you are really conscious. As you go forward, approach life from this point of view. You should try very much to enjoy the entire experience.

Doing that gives the true you real power. Consistent and steadily growing attention on this consciousness will see you through. You start breaking self-centered thoughts. Attaining freedom from these thought is not easy. It requires effort to achieve it.

It is no secret that self realization actualization leads to better performance and satisfaction for any effort made. Achieving oneness within you makes it easy to radiate this energy to others. You become a true blessing to the human fraternity.

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