The Basic Principles Of Landscaping

By Andrea Davidson

The main principles of Atlanta landscaping include the standards or prescriptions in arranging the different elements to come up with a good result. To achieve a good outcome however, you need to consider the main standards. These will be your help to do a real professional landscape.

First principle will basically fall in your unity. This is the use of objects to result with the harmony and consistency of a great design. It gives your work a sense of interconnection in its oneness. This can be achieved by using plants or trees and organized lines with the common hue and the similar beauty of texture.

Nevertheless, you must put in mind that unity may also result to boredom. You need to balance all the details therefore to come up with the desired art. You need to use as well the different structures to contrast ideas. Next to unity is simplicity. It describes just the word itself. Avoid confusing designs as it may be dirty to look at. Begin incorporating the basic ideas of styling that you have.

Balancing the objects is another way and the third one. It is the balancing of the elements found on the landscape. This may include the kinds of plants, trees, stones and others. Balance and you will gain the equality that you desire. This is achievable by using all other possible ways of styling.

The contrasting design of the various plants is significant in producing real beauty. This may include but not limited to the height and the various colors plus the other textures of the plants. They vary in each area on the landscape. There must be consistency however.

The color is one of these as it adds the essence of real life as well as interest to the landscape. Consider the bright colors like yellow, orange and red which may seem advance towards you but can make objects seems closer. Other like green, blue and pastel may look like moving away and can make the objects seem father from you. Colors may also be used to catch the attention of the viewer.

Then, the natural transition which must be considered. This refers to the changes you applied to make the scenery. This may be very well illustrated when it comes to the height or the color of the trees and plants and other objects present. This may include the size or the shape of the details found. There must be the constant ascending and descending of the arrangement.

Proportion means the size of elements that are relative to each other. You must create a pleasing relationship among the dimensions present in your creation. These may include but not limited to the length, breadth, depth and other things. You must also consider the proper way of choosing the kind of plants to avoid unpleasing results.

Lastly, there is the essence of repetition that is greatly relative to unity. This might be good as various forms and views are present in your Atlanta landscaping however too much repetition may give you confusion. Unity is achieved by the repetition of the present elements. Too much is too bad for a design, you must remember this.

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