Why Practice Is Key To Effective Personal Defense

By Divad F Eddards

"Where exactly do you buy pepper spray that deliver results fast?" I overheard Stan consult with a workmate. Attacked recently, in which he had lost a ring for his own sweetheart, Stan wished to be ready should this happen again. I was thinking all pepper sprays worked quickly. Being non-fatal, these are popular self-defense tools.

Kevin repeated, "Self-defense spray effects are generally immediate." A single or two second blast is going to induce immediate discomfort due to a burning sensation onto the skin and also in the eyes. The optic blood vessels enlarge because of heat, causing the eyes to slam shut.

Spray for a longer time, and gagging is going to follow. The great thing about self-defense sprays is they give simply no long-term harm after the effects fade a few minutes afterwards.

Given that Stan would like his enemies to drop immediately once he got them using his own pepper spray, Kevin recommended powerful pepper sprays like his pepper pen. Coming from a maximum length of 8 feet, this 10% defense spray works powerfully.

Joining the conversation, I asked just how pepper gel was distinct from self-defense spray. My sibling brought a 2 oz. pepper gel, which he bragged was reliable for car and also house usage. "Is this even more potent?" I needed to find out.

Our coworker stated that defense spray gel is pepper spray in gel form. When this hits the face, it clings just like adhesive. One particular benefit, Kevin said, is that any effort to take it away is going to cause the opposite. That is going to sink into the skin faster instead.

Kevin explained the "best spray" for beginners was a 2 oz. inert fogger. This is a practice spray which includes water pressurized by nitrogen. This helps users become proficient in using self-defense spray so their probability of a good hit are higher.

He hadn't actually replied to Stan's question, though. Where do you get defense spray for use in personal defense? Before we got to that, he stressed that training was important to effective defense spray use.

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